Legume and Rice Soup "Tasty"

Legume and Rice Soup "Tasty"
Riso con LegumiWhy this plate is available in all italian kitchens? Let's see it togheter!
I legumes are a rich source of protein that as we all know are very good for our body; these contain so many that often in diets can go to replace meat, besides they give a sense of satiety and of course they are delicious.
For this reason in the recipe book of Bu-Net could not miss an interesting recipe proposal of Soup of Legumes and Rice "Sfiziosa”!
Take paper and pen, get comfortable and...Bon appetit!

- 2 Potatoes
- 2 Carrots
- A stalk of selery
- Spicchio di aglio
- an onion
- 1 l vegetable broth
- A bay leaf
- 300g Zuppa di legumi e riso
- “Sfiziosa”
- Olio extravergin olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- Rosemary
- 150 g Pancetta Tesa alle erbe

First, chop onion, garlic, celery and carrots.
Then sauté the minced meat in three tablespoons of oil.
Then add the cereals and legumes and fry everything together for two minutes! Add the potatoes cut into small pieces, bay leaf and vegetable broth!
Cover with a lid and bring to a boil for about 50 min over low heat. Salt only at the end of cooking.
In the meantime, the crispy bacon is prepared. It is necessary to cut into small cubes and cook on the pan with a sprig of rosemary over medium heat until golden brown. Allow to cool.
The soup should be served and decorated with crispy bacon and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
Buon appetito da Bu-Net!